Hue Venus Golf Course

Hue Venus Golf Course

Thua Thien Hue province is the center of the coastal plain in the central region of our country and is one of the cultural and educational centers nationwide. Over the past 15 years, Thua Thien Hue has experienced remarkable economic development, becoming a major growth driver in the central region's economy. Thua Thien Hue has significant potential for economic and social development, particularly in tourism and services.

The Venus Hue project is situated in the southeast of Hue city and the west of Huong Thuy town, encompassing two communes, Thuy Chau and Thuy Phuong, in Huong Thuy town. The project covers an area of 170.3 hectares.

Design Concept:


The Chau Son Lake area is the project's main focal point, so it's essential to maximize the lake's surface area to create a unique value for the project while respecting the current landscape.


Due to the lake's terrain combined with low hills, there are panoramic views and open spaces that create distinctive landscapes for each zoning component of the project. The project is designed to cater to high-end and luxury market segments, drawing inspiration from the architectural style of ancient royal palaces. The indigenous architecture is deeply rooted in Vietnamese culture, especially in Hue, where it has been the dominant architectural style for royal palaces and villas of the Nguyen Dynasty kings. This architectural style has been well-preserved and celebrated throughout Vietnam for over two centuries.

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Hue Venus Golf Course

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